This blog follows our school work on an eTwinning project called Job Worth Doing. The project intends to make our pupils think about their future careers. There are three schools involved, two from the Czech Republic and one from France. After getting to know each other, our pupils will take part in communicative activities which will induce them to discover various jobs, improve their English skills and… have fun!


Working on a Comic!

Another task for our eTwinning project was a comic! Each school makes a comic and sends it to the other schools to fill in the bubbles. In our school the pupils wanted to make
small groups and each group to work on its own comic. In the end we had four fantasic comics! Well done!!
Here are some parts of the comics. The pupils are just hilarious!

One group made a funny comic about homeless...
... the other group about a powerful drink that helped one weak guy to become strong.
.. and who is the robber? Is that a girl or a boy? Very funny comic about one robbery.
And the last comic about a policeman who fell in love!

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